1 | JJF 1001-1998 | 通用计量术语及定义 | General terms in metrology and their definitions | 1998-09-16 | 国家质量技术监督局 |
2 | GA 16.6-2003 | 道路交通事故信息代码 第6部分:当事人伤害程度代码 | Codes for traffic accident information Part 6:Code of damage degree of party | 2003-10-22 | 公安部 |
3 | GA 16.7-2003 | 道路交通事故信息代码 第7部分:人体损伤部位代码 | Codes for traffic accident information Part 7:code of party body`s position | 2003-10-22 | 公安部 |
4 | GA 329.4/2004 | 全国道路交通管理信息数据库规范 第4部分:交通事故统计信息数据库规范 | Database specification for national traffic management information- Part 4: Database specification for accident statistics information | 2004-02-13 | 公安部 |
5 | GA 409.4-2004 | 全国道路交通管理系统数据交换格式 第4部分:交通事故统计数据交换格式 | National traffic management information data transportation and exchange
format-Part 4: Accident data transportation and exchange format | 2004-02-13 | 公安部 |
6 | GA 471-2004 | 抗A、抗B血清试剂 | Serum products of anti-A,anti-B antibodies | 2004-03-16 | 公安部 |
7 | GA 476-2004 | 人血红蛋白金标检验试剂条 | Rapid test strips for human hemoglobin | 2004-03-16 | 公安部 |
8 | GA 477-2004 | 人前列腺特异性抗原(PSA)金标检验试剂条 | Rapid test strips for human PSA | 2004-03-16 | 公安部 |
9 | GA/T 101-1995 | 中毒检材中有机磷农药的定性定量分析方法 | Qualitative and quantitative analysis methods for organic phosphorous
pesticides in case samples | 1995-06-12 | 公安部 |
10 | GA/T 102-1995 | 中毒检材中巴比妥类药物的定性定量分析方法 | Methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis for barbiturates in case
samples | 1995-06-12 | 公安部 |
11 | GA/T 103-1995 | 中毒检材中拟除虫菊酯类农药的定性定量分析方法 | Methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis for pyrethroid insecticides
in case samples | 1995-06-12 | 公安部 |
12 | GA/T 104-1995 | 鸦片毒品中吗啡、可待因、蒂巴因、罂粟碱、那可汀的定性分析及吗啡、可待因的定量分析方法 | Methods of qualitative analysis for morphine, codeine, thebaine, papaverine,
narcotine and quantitative for morphine codeine of opium | 1995-06-12 | 公安部 |
13 | GA/T 105-1995 | 血、尿中乙醇、甲醇、正丙醇、乙醛、丙酮、异丙醇、正丁醇、异戊醇的定性分析及乙醇、甲醇、正丙醇的定量分析方法 | Quanlitative analysis method for ethanol, methanol, n-propanol, aldehyde,
acetone, isopropanol, isobutanol, n-butanol and isoamylol, and quantitative
analysis method for ethanol, methanol and n-propanol in blood and urine | 1995-06-12 | 公安部 |
14 | GA/T 121-1995 | 中毒检材中斑蝥素的定性定量分析方法 | Qualitative and quantitative analysis for cantharidin in poisoning
samples | 1995-11-15 | 公安部 |
15 | GA/T 122-1995 | 毒物分析名词术语 | Technical terms of toxicological analysis | 1995-11-15 | 公安部 |
16 | GA/T 188-1998 | 中毒检材中安定、利眠宁的定性及定量分析方法 | Methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis for diazapam and
chlordiazepoxide in cases samples | 1998-12-08 | 公安部 |
17 | GA/T 189-1998 | 中毒检材中氯丙嗪、异丙嗪、奋乃静的定性及定量分析方法 | Methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis for chlorpromazine and
promethazine and perphenazine in case samples | 1998-12-08 | 公安部 |
18 | GA/T 190-1998 | 中毒检材中苯唑卡因、利多卡因、普鲁卡因、丁卡因、布比卡因的GC/NPD定性及定量分析方法 | Methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis for benzocaine, lidocaine,
procaine, amethocaine, bupivacaine in case samples by GC/NPD | 1998-12-08 | 公安部 |